Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally Freaking Friday!

As in my former life, I live for the weekends, but now because it means R will be home and we can do stuff as a family.  This week has felt like one long-ass wait for the weekend, but it's almost here!

Lia's been a pain in the butt today.  She was a champ at the mall this morning (finishing up last-minute Christmas errands) and she was all smiles for me several times today during diaper changes, but she is just refusing to nap today.  I know she's tired, but she'd rather nurse just a little, get her diaper changed, then doze off, then wake up and start the process over again.  I don't know how she does it but it feels like she can sense when I step out of her nursery and it forces her wide awake again.  Oh well, it's so totally normal that I feel like I shouldn't be bitching.

Speaking of not bitching, her nighttime sleep is rocking.  We're getting a solid 7 and 1/2 hour stretch at night on a somewhat reliable basis now.  It's nothing we're doing, it's all Lia, but I'll take it.  Somehow I haven't managed to sleep a solid 7.5 hour stretch myself yet but I'm hoping it'll come for me soon.  :)

On an adult note, tonight is Date Night!  I wasn't sure we were going to get one this weekend but today R's parents offered to watch the baby for a few hours tonight.  We've got just enough time to have a leisurely dinner, and I'm psyched.  Now I need to go find things to talk about that aren't baby-related.  (Seriously - how can I stay a somewhat interesting person when all I do all day is nurse, change diapers, and do dishes and laundry?)

And this weekend I think R and I are buying new phones.  I've had the iPhone for several years and I'm trying to figure out what to go with this time.  I object in principle to Apple's censorship of the apps and it's store, but is that really enough to take a chance with a new phone and OS?  I'm researching now and torn...

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